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As any of my existing clients will already know I LOVE Costa Rica. It is without doubt the most special country I have ever visited or sold. In the 10 years I have been working here and selling Costa Rica I have always had amazing trips there and all our returning clients also come back loving this very special destination.

I try to visit at least every 12 to 18 months and this year I decided to take one of my best friends there for our annual trip away. September and October tend to be the rainiest months but I seem to go in September a lot and I have to say I always have an amazing trip. This trip was no exception.. Now my friend likes adventure I am not so keen. So a compromise was made.. How I ended up white water rafting and flying along a cable 650 metres above the ground I have no idea – it does not sound like much of a compromise to me!!!

First we went to the really stunning Pacuare Lodge. It is a really wonderful jungle lodge and the accommodation is out of this world. BUT the best way to get in and out is to white water raft. Now I have never done anything like this before and the thought of it makes me physically sick but I did it I rafted into the lodge and celebrated with a couple of G and T’s that evening!!! The rapids to leave the lodge are more heavy duty so I opted to take the bumpy 4X4 route out. Justified by saying that I would need to know how both options worked for clients. It was a bumpy uncomfortable ride but if anyone does not feel confident to raft in or out this is also an option and you still get to stay in an amazing location. I have promised to raft out next time I visit, so watch this space for an update next year perhaps!!!

So white water rafting is under my belt, we move on to Arenal Volcano. This is an area I always visit on every inspection trip or holiday. The volcano amazes me and I never tire of it. This is also one of the best areas to do another adventure activity – the Zip wire canopy tour. Now in previous trips I have backed out of doing the zip wires 3 times but this year I said I would do it.. Oh my God it was the scariest thing ever.. you are in a harness and you fly along a wire from one platform to another platform.. now the highest one is 650 metres above the ground and on the longest one I flew through a rain cloud!! An unbelievable experience. I can say I did it but I doubt very much I would do it again.. If I can do it then any of my clients can..

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