Torres del Paine are Chile’s most emblematic expanses offering dramatic landscapes only found at the end of continent land. Here, South America falls away in a dazzling explosion of islands, glaciers, icebergs and mountains. It is one of Mother Nature’s grand finales. Torres del Paine is the crown jewel of the Chilean national park system. Declared a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO in 1978 the park is internationally recognized for its magnificence and trekking opportunities. In addition the Patagonia of Chile in general is a land full of natural beauty and historically renowned places such as the Strait of Magellan, the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn. Many historians, photographers, and individuals across time and space have described the Patagonia as one of the most fantastic and spectacular sights that human imagination can conceive. With a visit one can’t help but to agree.